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q b l k z f k e q o k j q v r z k z l p b p f b b i v p l m b b v b r b e v f k i b y r q x

k f q h w r w d w d v l v r u r v l x q v i o u d o l f p o w o v f u w h g g w l d r w k w


Stuck in a loop. Stuck in a loop. Stuck in a loop. We only move in circles. How do we escape...? It should be simple. We move outside the loop. We look where we wouldn't expect to find anything. Sometimes, there are whole worlds out there. Sometimes, you don't find anything. Sometimes, you think you have NOT FOUND anything, but upon closer inspection, you actually have. This, for example, is one of those times. If you follow this clue, you're bound to find another one of those times. Follow our advice: Look where you aren't supposed to find anything. Take a closer look in between the cracks... Look where something should NOT be FOUND.